Opening the year, Inewvation International proudly introduces Arktura—a global leader in acoustic design solutions offering an expansive library of attenuating products for architecture.

Arktura has been at the forefront of architectural design since 2008, delivering groundbreakingproducts and award-winning custom projects, while working in collaboration with architects andinterior designers around the world.
Arktura was pioneered by Rob Kilian, Chris Kabatsi, and Kevin Kane, three architects andformer classmates at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Their mission was to combine cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of design, making architectural products and custommanufacturing take on new synergies.

Today, Arktura continuously bridges the gaps between design intent and manufacturingcapabilities with its elegant and innovative client-driven design solutions that aim to elevate andinspire the places where people live, work, and play.
Architectural Systems
Arktura’s architectural systems are comprised of products devised to fit to differentenvironments. This includes acoustic solutions,ceiling clouds and baffles, interior andexterior panel systems, and building facades with highand new standards of design aesthetic,adaptability, and product quality.

Each standardized product is easy-to-use and highly flexible. From overall configuration rightdown to attachment points, perforations,patterns, and finishes, Arktura’s standardized products are set to meet any requirements.
Solutions Studio
If the project requires beyond the scope of the pre-configured architectural systems, Arktura hasSolutions Studio for truly unique custom design and execution. Every custom project is donethrough a fully collaborative process to understand the uniquedemands of the project and to helpmeet the design intent.

Workflow is carefully managed with a team offering a breadth and depth of expertise indesigning and building unique custom projects capable of enhancing both aesthetics and utility.
Being a solutions-based architectural manufacturer, Arktura assures True Noise Reduction Coefficient or NRC rating of each of its products.
From architectural standardized products to customizable systems, Arktura is shaped bycreativity, expert knowledge, and cutting-edge technology. Joining INNCOM-Honeywell,Arktura is now part of Inewvation International’s line of Sustainable Building Solutions, cateringto the Philippine market.
To know more, visit, call(+632) 8355-4639, or [email protected].